Intro - The Country Dream

I'm not sure at what point it became our dream to live in the country. I think it all started as a small dream for a little privacy, and Alex's statement, "I want to be able to walk out my back door naked and not have anyone call the cops." Somehow this evolved into a full blown country dream complete with 5 acres, 45 minute commute, chickens, horses, home schooling, and living off the grid.

I enjoy writing and keep journals for myself and for each of our children. Occasionally, I get the chance to write something that people actually want to read. My husband and a few friends have been bugging me for a while to blog about our adventures in the country, and the hilarious stories of our energetic children that have lead to so many funny facebook statuses.

Recently, Alex and I attended a class on raising chickens (yes, this is our ideal date... when did I become that person?), and afterwards Alex declared that it was time to start the blog. We ordered our chickens around Christmas. Our baby chicks will arrive in the mail sometime the week of April 8th. I should also mention that I gave birth to our third child a week ago... seems like we could have timed that better, huh? Oh well, the chicks are coming, and the baby is here... not sure which my husband is most excited about.

In October, we moved out to the most beautiful 5 acre property I have ever seen. The property is complete with stream (or drainage ditch for the less imaginative), 5 large weeping willow trees, huge pine trees, full grown maple trees, and about 20 fruitful mulberry trees (we will be adding an apple orchard to this, along with peach and pear trees, vegetable garden and pumpkin patch this year). The property also had a nice little house the perfect size for our family, a shed that will make the ideal chicken coop, and the exact pole barn that my husband dreamed to build someday. The house also happened to be a foreclosure, and after a long, grueling struggle with the bank, we got it for less than half its value.

I love my life, and I love my new home. I wake up, look out the windows and feel like I am on vacation every day... well, for about a split second before I am bombarded by messy house and hungry kids. I've made it my personal goal to get off the grid in one area of our consumption every year. In 2011, we moved here and already had a well, so 2011 was water. 2012 will be eggs (and a prize pumpkin). Future additions will be poultry, meat, fruits and vegetables, and someday electricity.

The dream is to live to the fullest on our 5 acres. Alex loves the basic process of everything. He makes soap, presses cider, ferments it into wine... you name it. He wants to learn how to do everything, and he wants our children to grow in this learning environment with fresh air, sun, and space to run, climb and get dirty.

Now, I hardly need say at this point that my husband is very intelligent, energetic and hard working... And guess what? So are his kids! I live in constant surprise of my children, the things they come up with, the trouble they get into, and the ways they embarrass me. I've always had great stories about my kids. The country living has only added to the stories. And now we are adding another child, chickens, and a whole lot of gardening. I anticipate that the stories will just keep getting better, so it is time to start sharing them. I hope you enjoy!

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