Today I got 15 eggs out of the coop. Beautiful eggs
that taste like nothing you can buy in the store. I love fresh eggs. And I love
to bake, and baking with fresh eggs makes everything taste amazing.
Here's a little useful information for you. Did you know
that, typically, fresh eggs from chickens raised in someone's backyard have
half the cholesterol of most store bought eggs? Not only that, they have twice
as much vitamin E, 6 times as much vitamin A, and 4-6 times the amount of
omega-3's. And it doesn't end there, those are just some measurements using the
popular buzz words. The differences in health benefits are beyond measure.
It seemed like it would take forever for our chickens to
start laying eggs. We put a lot of money into building a secure coop and run
for our birds. We brooded several sets of chickens in our house. All in all, it
has been a lot of work.
My birthday is August 24th, and I went out to the coop
thinking, "I can feel it. This is the day I find an egg. It will be a
perfect birthday present." No egg. And my mother in-law's chickens that
were younger than mine had already been laying for a couple weeks. A few more
weeks went by with no eggs. Every morning I would go out to let my chickens out
of the coop, excitedly look in the nesting boxes, and return to the house
perturbed. What was most irritating, was going to the grocery store and buying
expensive eggs that taste like junk, knowing I had 18 chickens at home! 18
chickens living in a mansion of chicken coops, being fed all kinds of wonderful
food from my kitchen.
Finally, one started laying. That first egg was so exciting.
And from then I determined I was not buying eggs anymore. It was slow going at
first. And there was one morning I was in the middle of making muffins and
realized I was short an egg. So I went out to see if my laying hen had laid her
egg yet. She was in the nesting box humming, while I stood outside waiting and
tapping my foot, thinking well it doesn't
get any fresher than this!
Today I got 15 eggs! That is the most in one day. I get brown eggs in different shades and degrees of speckling, little white eggs, and even green eggs from my Ameraucanas. When we
had 17 hens and a rooster, I figured I would get about a dozen a day. Now we
have 21 hens and 2 roosters (that's another story). Here's the amazing thing:
startup costs not included, monthly I spend the same amount of money on these
chickens that I spent on eggs before... but now I have enough eggs to share
with friends and family. And while there's a little work involved, 23 chickens
are less work than the average single pet. And goodness do they add value just
in the experience and entertainment they provide. I find myself hanging out by
the window all day, just watching their antics.