Micah Man
My son has a cardboard fetish. I can't tell you how many times he has come up to me carrying an empty cardboard container with a hungry look in his eyes, and asked, “Mom... Can I have this?” His room is a sea of diaper boxes, shoe boxes, and other random boxes. He does not just hoard them. He builds with them, using in his words, “good, strong tape.” I did not start labeling this a fetish until one night, after the kids were asleep in their beds (or so I thought), and I went to the bathroom. Once past the point of no return on the toilet, I looked over and noticed that there was no toilet paper. Now this happens often. I should have bought stock in toilet paper before Eden started potty training. You would think I would learn to look before committing myself to the toilet... Oh well. Anyway, when I noticed that the toilet paper was used up, I called out to Alex my predicament. And I heard a little voice from Micah's room. “Mom? You know that round cardboard thing......