
Showing posts from September, 2012


One of the things I find most fascinating about life is the way that people change. When I got married, I knew I was not marrying the same man I started dating 6 years earlier. Now another 6 years have gone by, and the man I am married to now is neither the man I dated nor the one I married, but someone new entirely. On the same note, I have known my mother in-law for more than 12 years, and our relationship has evolved drastically several times over. Our second group of baby chicks was a mix of Barred Rocks and Golden Comets that we purchased from a feed store. My mother in-law ordered 15 chicks, she picked them up, picked out the 7 she wanted, and gave us the other 8. These chicks were already sexed, meaning they were all hens, supposedly. Now not one of ours turned out to be a rooster... and not one, but TWO of my mother in-law's did. A couple weeks after getting the chicks, my mother in-law kept saying to me, "I think Rosie is a rooster." I thought she was p...